Only our TimeScan® Appointment Books offer you a choice of 34 different formats—so you are sure to find the one that is right for your scheduling needs.Call us to place your TimeScan® order or complete and fax this sheet.Choose the appointment length your practice prefers.10 minutes per appointment, 15 minutes per appointmentSelect the number of office staff you are scheduling for each day (number of columns per day).1, 2, 3, 4Choose the start and end times for your appointment day. Four-column books are only available in the time frames with an asterisk*.10-minute appointments: 7 am–5 pm*, 7 am–7 pm, 8 am–6 pm15-minute appointments: 7 am–5 pm, 7 am–6 pm*, 7 am–9 pm, 8 am–6 pm, 8 am–7 pm*, 8 am–10 pmSelect the calendar year for which you will be scheduling.2017, 2018, 2019Select a looseleaf or wirebound book format.Looseleaf, WireboundChoose a cover color for your book. If you are purchasing looseleaf pages, is it recommended, but not required, that you purchase a binder.Looseleaf Hardcover, Looseleaf Flexible Cover, Wirebound