Top Web Enhancements

Top Web Enhancements

Top Henry Schein Web Enhancements

By means of your user feedback, industry research, and ongoing improvement exercises, Henry Schein prioritizes the upgrades we make to our ecommerce platforms that will best improve your web supply chain experience. To keep you up-to date and in the know, we will be sharing each enhancement in real time on this page.

Messaging Center

+Predictive Search – Algonomy FIND

Users’ search experiences now utilize real-time contextual search suggestions based on actual customer intent, behaviors, and preferences that will build over time. AI algorithms use the behavioral data for personalized search suggestions by keyword, manufacturer, or content as well as provide relevant product recommendations.

+Items in Stock Filter

Henry Schein has developed a new feature for all website customers called the "Items in Stock" filter to help users quickly find products that are available for purchase and in stock. Watch this 2 minute overview video to learn more about this feature and be sure to encourage your customers to use it to help them find in stock products!

+Enhanced Shipment Confirmations

Customers placing orders through the website and Portal app will now receive a more robust shipment tracking email that replaces the current shipment confirmation. This will enhance the overall customer experience for website and Portal app customers, including visibility to:

  • Shipment confirmations
  • Status updates including package delays
  • Package tracking numbers
  • Notification of canceled and/or backordered products from warehouse
  • Ability to sign up for text alerts for delivery progress

For more information, including on how to enroll in these notifications, watch the short video below.

+Shopping List Enhancements

Users now have the ability to search within their shopping lists by manufacturer name, product category, product description, UOM, Henry Schein item code, or manufacturer item code. Additionally, there is a new filter option within their shopping lists that allows users to filter based on the product status, and a new sort option for preferred items if the user is in an E-Catalog.

+Filter and Sort Products by Preferred within E-Catalogs

When a user is accessing an E-Catalog that has items marked as "Preferred" on it, the user can now sort or filter their search results by the preferred item designation. Additionally, the ability to select the "Default Search Sort Method" to Preferred within a user's preference has been added.

+View Only Catalog Access

Website administrators and TSMs can now apply View Only capabilities for any Catalog(s) a user has access to. When applied, users can search and find products within the Catalog but would be unable to add the items to their cart. This allows administrators to maintain control of what is being purchased while letting the end users research additional products. For example, if a user is restricted to a specific Custom E-Catalog, they could be given View Only access to the full Medical Catalog. Then, if an approved item from their E-Catalog is unavailable, they could switch to the Medical Catalog, find an alternative item, and request that their administrator add it to their E-Catalog so that it can be purchased.

+AHFS Classification Code

Users will now be shown the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) classification code and description text (if present) on the product detail page.

+Messaging Center

The messaging center is a section of the Website where users that have been given the Communications access right can send messages to other users within their organization. This enhancement to the feature provides users sub-menus for received, sent, archived, and group messages, allows for the creation and management of user groups, messages to be scheduled for future distribution, and tagging messages as high priority.

Enhancement Archives

+Hide Items from Order History

Users can now hide items from their location's Order from History page using a new icon located next to the Last Purchased Date for any item that has been previously purchased.

+Inventory Management - Audit Trail Report

Allows users with both the Inventory Management and Reporting access rights to generate a report displaying an audit history of items manually changed in the inventory list.

+Inventory Management - Transfers

Allows users with the Inventory Management access right to transfer stock from one storage location to another storage location.

+Remove Discontinued Items from Custom E-Catalogs

Allows Custom E-Catalog administrators the option to remove discontinued items from their E-Catalogs through the existing green icon.

+Limit Invoice Access by Shipping Location

Allows users with the Statements and Payments access right the ability to filter invoices on the Account Summary/Open Transaction pages by shipping location access.

+Credit Report Updates

Added several new columns to the existing Credit Report including invoice# and date and credit memo# and date.