1 of each bur or polisher: #5040 GWDC1, #15041 GWDC2, #16884 FG #169, #15675-5 finishing bur #7675, #18193-5 Great White Ultra #379-023, #18182-5 Great White Ultra #856-016S, #881-016VF diamond, #89012 Jazz polisher (fine flame P3S), #89008 Jazz polisher (medium flame P3S) & #89004 Jazz polisher (coarse flame P3S).
Adds efficiency and organization to CAD/CAM preparations with a streamlined selection of rotary instruments for milled ceramic crowns, inlays, and partial coverage restorations. Kit features the innovative SS White® Great White® 1.5mm- and 2mm-depth cutter, along with selected SS White® carbide burs, diamond instruments, and Jazz® polishers, organized in an autoclavable metal bur block.