The Chairside Instructor (*italics*) is a tool to help your patient understand dental treatments. With over 200 photos and illustrations, this book covers a wide range of prevention and treatment topics, including crown, bridge, dentures, root canal, and other restorations; hygiene; anatomy; X-rays; perio; decay; orthodontics; cosmetic treatment; TMJ; pathologies; and now, cracked tooth and bruxism. Has 49 NEW images, such as updated dentition charts, perio probing, SRP before-and-after photos, perio surgery and bone grafting, CBCT, implant surgery, and cosmetic cases. Also NEW: laminated for wipe-clean care, handy tabs to help you quickly locate topics, and a horizontal format to make it easier to show patients. Ideal for patient education or as a learning tool for auxiliaries in training. 11" x 8-1/2".